Bellísimas garitas de 25mm (1 pulgada) hechas en madera. Diseño con grabados internos.

Puedes pintarlas con pintura acrílica, aplicar resina sobre ellas, glitter o simplemente dejarlas así para darle un toque perfecto a tus creaciones.

Combina con los círculos de 10 o 15 milímetros con un agujero, y verás que bien quedan. Están publicados aquí en nuestra web, búscalos 🔍 con la palabra clave “circles”

- Cada pieza mide 2,5cm (1 inches)
- 2mm a 3mm (0.08 - 0.12 in) de ancho.
- Recibirás 12 piezas iguales.

¡Dale un vistazo a nuestras otras creaciones! Tenemos hermosos diseños y colores.

Nota: Porque nos preocupamos por la sostenibilidad, fabricamos nuestros productos con conciencia ambiental. Nos aseguramos de no contribuir a la contaminación del aire al usar la máquina láser y que los restos de material acrílico no utilizado se reciclen adecuadamente en una planta especializada.



Beautiful 30mm (1.2in) crosses made of wood. Design with internal cuts, both Puerto Rico map and amapola flower.

It symbolizes the devotion of the PR people to God and the protection that God has always manifested towards the Island. "Querido Dios protege nuestra Isla" is a national cry that is reflected in this piece. Ideal for rosaries, chains, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings

You can paint them with acrylic paint, apply resin on them, glitter, the decoupage technique or simply leave them like that to give a perfect touch to your creations.

Combine with the 10, 15 or 20mm circles with a hole, and you will see how well they fit. They are published here on our website, search for them 🔍 with the keyword “circles”.

- Each piece measures 3cm (1.2inches)
- 2 mm to 3 mm (0.08 - 0.12 in) wide.
- You will receive 10 pieces, 5 of each design.

Check out our other creations! We have stunning designs and colors. 

Note: Because we care for sustainability, all of our products are made in an environmentally-friendly manner by making sure we don't contribute to air pollution while using the laser machine and having the remains of unused acrylic material properly recycled in a specialized plant. 


Garitas con bandera de Puerto Rico/ 12 piezas, 1 in, madera/MDF crudo

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